central library

K. Ramakrishna
“A Room without books is a body without soul” which is similar to “A college without Library”. So we accomplish to turn out library not only to fulfill the academic requirements but also for the overall personality development of every individual. We have a centralized A/C library which has been successfully meeting the needs of the teaching,research and student community in our college.
The Central Library, established in June 2008, is a proud partner in the institute’s march towards its vision playing a vital role in acquisition, organization and dissemination of knowledge. As a knowledge hub of VIET, it offers a package of services, an ambiance that is extremely conductive for assimilation and creation of new knowledge. The main thrust of the library continues to be the improvement of the quality of services and facilities, achieving higher degree of user’s satisfaction and modernization of its activities and operations.
The Central Library is totally Air Conditioned, presently covers a total user area of 879.36 sq. Mtrs, with a seating capacity of 150. We are maintaining Text book section, Circulation section, Reference books, Journals, News papers & Magazines, previous question papers, reprography services and Digital library. .
- To provide quality service to the users.
- To disseminate technical knowledge.
- To offer modern tools for accessing information.
- To network with leading libraries.
- Loan Books are issued for 15 days. Reference volumes and loose issues of back numbers of periodicals are issued inside the Library only.
- Books borrowed shall be returned on or before the due date indicated on the date-slip in the book, Overdue charges will be collected at Rs.1/- per day on each book returned after the due date.
- Out –going students who have completed their course of study need to take their “ No –due Certificate ‘ from the Library.
Seating Capacity | 300 |
No of Titles | 5862 |
Total No. of Books | 35141 |
Project Reports | 866 |
e-Journals | 75 |
National Journals | 18 |
Magazines | 25 |
Rare Books | 50 |